Monday, August 27, 2007

Holy Crap!

Booyaa! Holy Crap-Kacee and I have finally joined the 21st century. The old man finally broke down and purchased a digital camera. What happened I thought these things cost more than they actually do?

Today was Marlee's first day of First Grade. A few tears had been shed in the days leading up to today but today went off without a hitch (pics to come).

Kacee is sitting here watching me in a daze-Maybe it is because she did not sleep well last night with the thunder that almost knocked down our house. Actually, I think she is still in shock that I decided it was finally time for a new camera. This is not our first digital camera...our first was a Wal-Mart special that did us proud for a grand total of about 50 pictures...if that. Needless to say I was not thrilled with my last purchase but I think this one will be a bit better.

Well, it is just past 10:30 and this old man is trrd. Later.


Amy Morris said...

I am so proud of you guys! Can't wait to keep in touch this way, If you have any questions let me know- Blogging totally frustrated me when I started, I don't know why I thought it was so hard to figure out. Happy blogging!

lramey said...

are you serious? It's really you here in this blogging spot? YEEHAW!!!!! I'm fully addicted to this thing called blogging, so here we you!

chelsie said...

I am so excited!!! congrats on joining the world of blogging and I can't wait to see you all this weekend.

susan bunker said...

was that storm freakin' scary or what? ty, i love that you are also included in your family blog! what kind of camera did you get?

Palmers said...


Its about freakin' time you bought one of those. Good looking site! I'll keep tabs on you guys on your blog. I found you through Lisa's site.
