This was such an easy tranistion for Peyton. She was so excited and ready to sleep in her big girl bed. As you can see she has many friends in her bed with her including 4 blankets. When she gets out of bed in the morning she drags all her blankets and as many stuffed animals as she can carry. It is so funny. We love her and is such a fun little girl.
So cute!! Can you believe that Brooklynn is STILL in her crib!! She loves it and doesn't care to get out of it. I'm sure people probably think I'm crazy bc my 3 1/2 yr old still sleeps in her crib.
Seeing your post motivates me to move her into a big girl bed.
P.S. Peyton is a doll, as always!!
oh my gosh!!! i can't believe she's big enough to be a big girl bed!!! it's killing me!!!
why do we live so far away from each other!!!!!!?????
p.s.- summer's planned another "grip" at the end of March- I don't know if it's going to be in St. George or Vegas, but I think maybe you should join us either way!!!!!
It's easier when they have an older sibling to watch for EVERYTHING I think. Especially potty training (if only you had the time when you had only one)
She is growing up so fast! She's so cute!
Wow! What a big girl! Can you believe Boston is still in his crib!? We just bought him a bed but haven't set it up yet.
Can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks!
So cute! I have to get Ali a head and foot board, preferably white. Where did you get Peyton's?
She is adorable! I love how all your girls are attached to their blankets.
I can't believe you have transitioned. Wow!! I am not ready for that, although Ryan has climbed out, but he hasn't since then. It is kind of fun when they get out of that baby stage. He will be 2 tomorrow. Can you believe it's been 2 years!!
I can't believe she will stay in the bed? Did she just want to? I want to make that transition with Grace. Your girls are all so beautiful, I am not kidding!
Kacee! Your girls are so beautiful! How funny that your girls like Hannah Montana too-my oldest is completely OBSESSED! It's so crazy that you're in the same ward as my Dad and step-mom. It's such a small world. I told Heather what a fun family you have-you guys are great. Can't wait to see more of your cute girls.
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